Most voter registration forms are found at your Secretary of State Website. If you cannot find them on their website, you can simply search online or you can contact us and we would like to help you register to vote!
We have a lot of resources related to voter guides found here.
Tell your pastor about the need to put a voter registration in the church’s entrance/somewhere visible to everyone.
Once the table is set, order resources to be put on the table such as voter registration forms, voter guides, American flag pins, and other flyers related to candidates running in your community.
Have a link or QR Code ready for the voter registration website just in case if people need a digital copy.
Keep in mind that we are nonpartisan and merely voting for candidates with biblical values!
If you need help with resources, please download our voter kit or contact us.
We will be having Town Hall meetings in churches that collaborate with us and have church engagement offices. We will also organize events where we will be discussing how to elect God-Fearing Leaders and assure fair elections, and how to run for local office!
Kindly Fill out the sign-up form found under Contact Us and we will be reaching out to you to discuss the process.
For more information, please fill out the contact form and we will be reaching out to you as soon as possible!
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