Engaging in Our Communities

Why is it so important to engage in our communities? 

Being in a community can have its challenges because of our different set of beliefs and values but knowing how to steward what God has given us to do properly helps us come together as a community and achieve a successful civic stewardship. 

Without civic stewardship, we cannot establish a strong community and apply God-given commandments. God wants us to bear the burdens alongside of us and help each other out (Galatians 6:2) and has given us the commandment to love Him and others (Luke 10:25-37).

What is one significant way we can show our love for God?

Serving Him by serving others. 

 Let’s take the initiative!


Given that God has authority over all aspects of life, it's disheartening to witness leaders who fail to uphold values aligned with His teachings, exacerbating rather than ameliorating societal challenges.

As Christians, what steps can we take to address these concerns and contribute positively to our communities?

1. Fight the good fight (Matthew 5:16) and encourage people to vote Biblically 

2. Prioritize voting and voting registration drive in the Church

3. Strengthen our beliefs and generosity towards outreaching in our cities

4. Organize gatherings of worship and prayer (pray, fast, celebrate and repeat)

The Leader who portrayed civic stewardship: Jesus – The image of a true Leader!


Characteristics Jesus has that showed civic stewardship:

Loved to serve

Humbled Himself

Gathered 12 disciples to preach the gospel and to this day instructs us on how to live

faithful to Him and steward what He has given to us faithfully. 

As John 21:25 says, Jesus has done far more than we could ever know or understand. 


Some Bible Character who portrayed Civic Stewardship:

Esther: asked the people to fast because of her pleading with the king for all the lives of the Jews. 

Nehemiah: Cared for the people and their situation (Nehemiah 2:17)

David: Committed, dedicated, and faithful to God. 

These people did not achieve success alone, but with people, most specifically God Himself. They were diligent to obey God’s Word and apply His word in their lives. 


Verses to know about the Importance of community :

Galatians 6:2

“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

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Church Finds Its Voice

CFIV is an initiative of Pacific Justice Institute

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